Thursday, August 28, 2008

Omaha Zoo

On our last day, we drove to meet Alison, Joel, Tessa and Taylor to go to the Omaha Zoo. Here is Tessa sitting on a Monkey statue.

Here is Alison, Taylor, Sara and Jackie on the Steam Train.
Group shot on the Steam Train.
Here is Taylor sleeping at the end of a busy day. I think we were all jealous.

Self portrait with me and Tessa with everyone else in the background.

This Gorilla came by the window we were at. When I put my hand on the window he came and pounded on my hand through the window and ran away. Alison and Sara got scared. Joel and I thought it was crazy! So we went to the other window and the gorilla made eye contact with Joel where he said, "He is making eye contact with me and it is kinda freaking me out." He came by and hit the window and ran again.
The Aquarium had SHARKS!!!
They had a swamp exhibit where these two alligators were 5 - 10 feet away from the wooden bridge I was crossing with a net separating us.
The PENGUIN Exhibit! Happy Feet shaking it off!

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